Sunday, April 27, 2008


1. The producer are the plants
2. nematodes, fungi, organic matter
3. birds, arthropods, protozoa
4. fungi and bacteria
5. they discompose and starting to disappear.
6. nematodes and arthropods, they fighting for fungi
7. Birds and animals....

worm tank and anti worm tank

1. There is so much different, the anti worm tank have more soils, grasses, or leaves. Because maybe in the worm tank, the worms are eating the leaves, so it will be less.

2. Yes, because the experiment has work, and it same with our hypothesis's, that the worm tank will be less soils, grasses. and leaves.

3. Because maybe the worm did something on it, like digging it, grinding it, etc.

4. Because that i think that the worm is eating the compost. and for the soil, they dig it.

5. Because the worms didn't eat leaves that much, but i believe there are some changes happen in both of the tanks.

6. Because i think the leaves is getting less sun, water, so i think it starting to disappear each day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The producer is th most down part. it is elodea. And elodea gives energy to water beetles and snails. It is the first order consumer. Those beetles and snails gives energy to small fish. The small fishes is giving energy or being eaten by large fishes. And those large fishes is giving energy to platypuses. It is the last order of consumer.

It shaped like pyramid because it the producers is the biggest organism in the pyramid. When the producers is decreasing population, the other organisms is also decreasing. so if the first order consumer eat the producers, the population is also decreasing.

here is another kinds of pyramid food chain