Tuesday, March 25, 2008

question for food chain

1. What would happen to the rabbits if the foxes disappeared?
the rabbits be safer, because there is less animals to consume the rabbits, and the population of rabbits will increase.
2. What would happen to the toads if the predacious insects disappeared?
The toads will die because predacious insects is the only food for the toads.

3. What would happen to the predacious insects if the spiders disappeared (think carefully)?
the predacious insects will lose kind of food, but the predacious insects still have herbivarous insects to eat.

4. What would happen to the hawks and owls if the foxes and snakes disappeared?
the hawks and owls will lose population, because if the foxes and snakes disappeared, there are alot of animals that foxes and snakes eat but the hawks and owls does not eat.

5. What would happen to the foxes if the hawk and owl population increased?
There are some food that foxes and hawk and owl eat, so, maybe the foxes will decrease their population.

6. Name two species which compete with each other for food.
rabbits(foxes & hawks and owls), mice(foxes & hawks and owls & snakes)

7. Name two first-order consumers.
Foxes and Hawks and owls
8. Name two predators.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kidney Beans
-we grow some kidneys beans to a plastic cup.
We usualy put water into it in science class. For this growing activity, we devided into 2 groups. 1 group is growing Kidney Beans and the other is green bean.We put our seeds outside, where they can have more energy from the sun. The leaves are now very green.
The difference with the green beans is that this is growing everywhere they wanted. but the kidneys is growing straight instead. The greens beans is puted in the cupboard and the leaves is really yellow. Later i think i should put more water in it.