Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ecology reflectiona

The most thing that i most enjoy in this ecology unit is when we were doing presentation to the school about our own endangered species.

The most thing that i like most proud of is my test, i get it better than i expected.

We had a lot of activity in this unit, but the most helpful one is the information and research about biome and endangered species.

in the future maybe i have to learn more to get perfect score on the test

Sunday, April 27, 2008


1. The producer are the plants
2. nematodes, fungi, organic matter
3. birds, arthropods, protozoa
4. fungi and bacteria
5. they discompose and starting to disappear.
6. nematodes and arthropods, they fighting for fungi
7. Birds and animals....

worm tank and anti worm tank

1. There is so much different, the anti worm tank have more soils, grasses, or leaves. Because maybe in the worm tank, the worms are eating the leaves, so it will be less.

2. Yes, because the experiment has work, and it same with our hypothesis's, that the worm tank will be less soils, grasses. and leaves.

3. Because maybe the worm did something on it, like digging it, grinding it, etc.

4. Because that i think that the worm is eating the compost. and for the soil, they dig it.

5. Because the worms didn't eat leaves that much, but i believe there are some changes happen in both of the tanks.

6. Because i think the leaves is getting less sun, water, so i think it starting to disappear each day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The producer is th most down part. it is elodea. And elodea gives energy to water beetles and snails. It is the first order consumer. Those beetles and snails gives energy to small fish. The small fishes is giving energy or being eaten by large fishes. And those large fishes is giving energy to platypuses. It is the last order of consumer.

It shaped like pyramid because it the producers is the biggest organism in the pyramid. When the producers is decreasing population, the other organisms is also decreasing. so if the first order consumer eat the producers, the population is also decreasing.

here is another kinds of pyramid food chain

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

question for food chain

1. What would happen to the rabbits if the foxes disappeared?
the rabbits be safer, because there is less animals to consume the rabbits, and the population of rabbits will increase.
2. What would happen to the toads if the predacious insects disappeared?
The toads will die because predacious insects is the only food for the toads.

3. What would happen to the predacious insects if the spiders disappeared (think carefully)?
the predacious insects will lose kind of food, but the predacious insects still have herbivarous insects to eat.

4. What would happen to the hawks and owls if the foxes and snakes disappeared?
the hawks and owls will lose population, because if the foxes and snakes disappeared, there are alot of animals that foxes and snakes eat but the hawks and owls does not eat.

5. What would happen to the foxes if the hawk and owl population increased?
There are some food that foxes and hawk and owl eat, so, maybe the foxes will decrease their population.

6. Name two species which compete with each other for food.
rabbits(foxes & hawks and owls), mice(foxes & hawks and owls & snakes)

7. Name two first-order consumers.
Foxes and Hawks and owls
8. Name two predators.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kidney Beans
-we grow some kidneys beans to a plastic cup.
We usualy put water into it in science class. For this growing activity, we devided into 2 groups. 1 group is growing Kidney Beans and the other is green bean.We put our seeds outside, where they can have more energy from the sun. The leaves are now very green.
The difference with the green beans is that this is growing everywhere they wanted. but the kidneys is growing straight instead. The greens beans is puted in the cupboard and the leaves is really yellow. Later i think i should put more water in it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

HEELLLOOO VRYBODY!! ma name iz (sumting), im (**) years oldzz,, welll, nice to meet u guyz!!